Author: Rachel StubbsIllustrator: Rachel StubbsAge: 4 -8Pages: pg.Size: cm
A magical picture book about a treasured hand-me-down, imagination and belonging. Shortlisted for the Klaus Flugge Award
🇬🇧 Description:
In Rachel Stubbs' gentle meditation on love and memory, a grandfather passes down to his grandchild the joyful anticipation of a life lived with wonder and openness ... and a very special hat. The hat is full of dreams, secrets and stories and can even spark new adventures. Explore all the possibilities that a treasured hand-me-down can bring and see how love is handed down with it.
Just shortlisted for the Klaus Flugge Award for debut picture books, this exuberantly illustrated story - charming, poetic, and involving - is about a grandfather's gift of a red hat that symbolises love and wonder. * The Sunday Times *