Author: Bertrand SantiniIllustrator: Laurent GapaillardAge: 6 - 12Pages: 80Size: 14 x 24cmReading Level: Lexile: 780L
"Gapaillard’s detailed black-ink illustrations perfectly encapsulate the story’s blend of horror and humor and call to mind Maurice Sendak’s Wild Things." ~Booklist (US)
🇬🇧 Description:
The Yark loves children…with the love of a gourmand! This hairy monster dreams of child buffets—ham of boy, orphan gratin, schoolchild purée, breaded babies, girl rillettes. But he has a problem: his delicate stomach can only tolerate nice children; liars give him heartburn, savages spoil his teeth. There are not enough good, edible children around to keep him from starvation.
Then the Yark does find delicious, sweet Madeleine. Will he gobble her up? Or will she survive long enough to change his life?
"A very funny and cheerfully subversive children’s chapter book about a monster who eats children-until one day he makes a friend." ~ New York Public Library, Best Books for Kids 2018
🇨🇱 Descripción:
El Yark ama a los niños... con el amor de un gourmet! Este peludo monstruo sueña con buffets de niños - un jamón de chico, gratin de huérfanos, puré de escolar, bebes apanados, rillette de niña. Pero tiene un problema: su delicado estómago solo puede digerir niños buenos. Los mentirosos le dan acidez, los salvajes le arruinan los dientes, y no hay suficientes niños buenos y comestibles para salvarlo de la desnutrición.
Entonces el Yark conoce a la deliciosa y dulce Madeleine. ¿Se la comerá de una, o logrará Madeleine sobrevivir lo suficiente como para cambiar su vida?