Author: Flavia Z. DragoIllustrator: Flavia Z. DragoAge: 0 - 5Pages: 24 pg.Size: 17,5 x 17,5cm
From the creator of Gustavo, the Shy Ghost comes an incredibly stylish series of early-learning board books – filled with monsters of all shapes and sizes!
🇬🇧 Description:
Lift the sheets, if you dare. Who will be hiding under there? Will you say eek? Or will you say oooh? Eek-a-peek-a ... peek-a-boo! Hidden beneath seven flaps, seven silly monsters are waiting to be discovered! Arh-wooh! It's Winston the hairy werewolf. Clackety clack! That must be Mr Bones, the handsome skeleton. Little ones will love making the noises, lifting the flaps, and of course – shouting PEEK-A-BOO! – in this interactive board book full of surprises. With monstrously bright and bold illustrations, read-aloud sounds, and a sturdy feel, this is the perfect gift for a new arrival, and a stylish addition to a toddler’s first library. A first game of peek-a-boo has never been wilder or such fun!