Author: Lucy CousinsIllustrator: Lucy CousinsAge: 0 - 5Pages: 34 pg.Size: 18 x 21 cmReading level: Baby & Toddler
A deep-sea Lucy Cousins classic makes a splash with a mesmerizing cover.
🇬🇧 Description:
Swim along with Little Fish and meet his many fishy friends in this splashy, splashy riot of color and rhyme under the sea. This eye-popping read-aloud is sure to have buoyant little ones shouting, "Hooray for fish!"
HOORAY FOR FISH is a pure delight for inquiring eyes. --Scholastic Parent & Child
Simple, somewhat educational, well-illustrated and doesn't expend too many of my brain cells at the end of a long day. --The Poop (San Francisco Chronicle baby blog)