Author: Pippa GoodhartIllustrator: Rebecca CraneAge: 3 - 7Pages: 32 pg.Size: 27 x 23 cm
[…] affectionately explores the way children handle seesawing emotions and competing desires for privacy and companionship.
—Publisher’s Weekly
🇬🇧 Description:
A little rabbit is trying to read his book in peace, but there's so much going on around him! Maybe he needs some space just for himself...
With minimal text accompanying beautiful and sweet illustrations, this charming picture book explores ideas of personal space and sharing in a way that even very young children can enjoy.
A particularly great read for children welcoming a new sibling, or starting school or nursery, Rebecca Crane’s colourful illustrations have plain backgrounds, so can easily feel relevant to a child’s own scenario. […] fun and thoughtful […]
—The Guardian
Tackling the traditional out and back quest for personal identity in a relatable, tangible and enjoyable representation, Goodhart's and Crane’s My Very Own Space is a super-engaging and thoughtful book, just fine for a quick and casual read, but better for a lingering one.
—New York Journal of Books[…] the uncomplicated text and the humorous art combine to create a story appealing to all. […] A sweetly balanced affirmation of the child’s right to space.
—Kirkus Reviews