Author: Janet LawlerIllustrator: Timothy Basil EringAge: 4-8Pages: 32 pg.Size: 26,6 x 32,7 cm
Learn about how these captivating creatures flop and plop and call and play their way in and out of the icy waters they call home.
🇬🇧 Description:
What’s the ruckus? What’s that sound? Walrus calls and songs astound – Honk, honkkkk! HOOO, HOOOOT! Diving, feasting, twirling – catch a glimpse of the joy found in a walrus’s icy home. Follow as it plays hide-and-seek with a friend, lounges on an ice floe, and demonstrates an impressive repertoire of sounds. Janet Lawler celebrates the many wonders of being a walrus in a story that’s brought to life through Timothy Basil Ering’s exuberant artwork. Readers curious to learn more will find a glossary at the end, along with some fascinating walrus facts: Did you know that a walrus can eat more than four thousand clams in a feeding frenzy – and that some walruses weigh more than a car?
"Forgiveness, light, love, and soup. These essential ingredients combine into a tale that is as soul stirring as it is delicious."
— Booklist (starred review)
"The melodramatic voice of the narrator glides through DiCamillo's entirely pleasing tale . . . And so unwinds a tale with twists and turns, full of forbidden soup and ladles, rats lusting for mouse blood, a servant who wishes to be a princess, a knight in shining—or at least furry—armor, and all the ingredients of an old-fashioned drama."
— Kirkus Reviews (starred review)