Author: Ella BaileyIllustrator: Ella BaileyAge: 2-7Pages: 32 pg.Size: 27 x 23cm
From breakfast to dinner, dusk to dawn, children will love spending the day with this curious penguin chick.
Selected for the CBC's Winter 2022 Showcase: Wild Is the Winter
🇬🇧 Description:
Part of Ella Bailey's acclaimed series of nonfiction for young readers, we follow a young penguin through a day in its life in the Antarctic.From breakfast to dinner, dusk to dawn, children will love spending the day with this curious penguin chick. In the latest volume of Ella Bailey's picture book exploration of the daily lives of baby animals, we head to the ice shelf to meet a young penguin chick. What does she and her family eat? How many brothers and sisters does she have? What do they do for fun?
This follow-up to the author's One Day on Our Blue Planet…in the Savannah introduces young readers to animals and their habitat. Representational drawings, visual unity, and winter hues fill each page with frozen settings of pinks, blues, grays, and whites. Each spread describes the natural life of this region through the waddling adventures of an Adélie penguin chick. The informative narrative pairs simple sentences with a bounty of authentic illustrations, introducing the penguin's journey from her young beginnings through the moment she sets out on her own into the Antarctic ocean. "She cannot fly, but in the water she is as swift and as graceful as any bird in the sky…. She travels many, many miles each day in search of food…and deep under the ice where a colorful world lies hidden
~School Library Journal~