Author: Antje Damm
Illustrator: Antje DammAges: 2 - 7Pages: 22Size: 17 x 17cmAwards: New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Book.
🇬🇧 Description:
Gulp, gulp, gulp: one toy after another disappears into the mouth of the hungry wolf. Now he’s almost full, just a last little fly for dessert—uh-oh!
The Wolf and The Fly is an original and delightful guessing, memory, observation and naming game in which one toy after another disappears—temporarily—into the mouth of the hungry little wolf.
🇨🇱 Descripción:
Glup, glup, glup: desaparece, un juguete tras otro, dentro de la boca de un lobito hambriento. Ya está casi satisfecho, sólo le falta una pequeña mosca de postre - uh-oh!
The Wolf and the Fly es un libro original y encantador, que desafía al lector a observar, memorizar y adivinar cuál será el próximo juguete que desaparecerá - temporalmente– en la boca del pequeño lobo hambriento.