A hilarious picture book featuring the Pigeon, by the author of Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! and Time to Pee!
In this hilarious, interactive read in Mo Willems' award-winning Pigeon series, the Pigeon discovers a delicious hot dog, and he can hardly wait to shove the entire thing in his beak. But then a hungry, clever little duckling enters the scene and wants a bite. Will he manage to outsmart the Pigeon and get his share of the hot dog? Oh, yes...
PreSchool-Grade 1-In this second book featuring the star of Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! (Hyperion, 2003), the shoe is on the other foot. Once again, the action starts on the title page, with the pigeon's joyous discovery of a hot dog. However, his initial delight is dampened when a small, wide-eyed duckling appears and asks, in a seemingly innocent manner, "Is that a `hot dog'?" The interloper's younger status is conveyed not just through his tinier size, but also through his dialogue, which is presented in smaller, rounder font. Though the duckling never directly asks for a bite, his incessant questioning-"Would you say that it tastes like chicken?"-infuriates the pigeon. Ultimately, the duckling's subtle approach proves successful, and both birds happily share the treat. Children, especially those with younger siblings, will have come up with this obvious solution long before the pigeon does. Willems's deceptively simple cartoon drawings convincingly portray his protagonist's emotional dilemma, from his initial joy to his frustration and struggle over what he wants to do versus what he knows is right. School Library Journal