Illustrator: Yasunari Murakami
Age: 0 - 3
Pages: 20
Size: 17 x 17cm
Look, a Butterfly! is a simple, appealing board book for babies told in shapes and colours.
🇬🇧 Description:
Look! A white butterfly! Flit and flutter through the blue sky. The butterfly comes to rest on a flower, and—pop—the flower opens.
Pop! Pop! Pop! All the flowers open: red, blue yellow, pink, orange…
Flutter flit through the sky. The butterfly lands on a cat, and …
meeeoow! Let’s play!
"This is a very simple story that resonates with a sense of wonder and delight…They will giggle over the repeated “pop, pop, pop” too. I can just see Dads and babies having a ball as they find silly and creative ways of “popping” like the flower buds in the story"
The Book Chook AU
🇨🇱 Descripción:
Mira! una mariposa, aleteando a través del cielo azul. Se para a descansar sobre una flor, y –POP– la flor se abre. Este es un libro precioso para ir enseñándole a los niños pequeños los colores así como pequeñas estructuras gramaticales.
POP – en la nariz, POP– sobre la mejilla. Podrás imaginar miles de maneras para jugar con tu bebe, la mariposa y las flores.