Author: Alex RühleIllustrator: Axel SchefflerAge: 9 - 15Pages: 176 pg.Size: 15 x 20 cmReading level: Growing Reader
🇬🇧 Description:
Paul returns home from school one day to discover a tiny ghost is living in the keyhole of his front door. He names him Zippel, and the little ghost is curious about everything, from food and clothes to how the toilet flushes! But Paul's parents want to change the locks - can Paul find Zippel a new home in time?
Filled with colourful pictures from best-loved illustrator Axel Scheffler, Zippel is a charming story about finding friends in the most unexpected of places.
The most exciting book for this age that I have read in yonks. —The Times
A warmhearted story...Illustrations by Axel Scheffler perfectly capture the droll humour of the stories. —Books for Keeps
Full colour illustrations by Axel Scheffler perfectly capture the droll humour of the stories and this is one of the most enjoyable books I've read this year" —Andrea Reece, LoveReading4Kids
The jokes sing and we had to stop several times during the story so my giggling six-year-old boy could wipe his eyes dry —The Times, Best Children's Books of 2019
Alex Ruhle has created a warm-hearted, smart children's book which easily lends itself to reading aloud or on one's own. There is a lot of wordplay (not least because Zippel likes to rhyme) and impish slapstick. The brightly coloured comicbook style of Gruffalo-artist Axel Scheffler is a perfect match to the text. A story about family and everyday problems, friendship, courage and a very special little ghost —Donaukurier