Author: Jason CockcroftAge: 13 - 16Pages: 216 pg.Size: 17 x 21 cmReading Level: Confident ReaderAwards
- Longlisted for the Carnegie Medal
- Nominated for the Kate Greenaway Medal
🇬🇧 Description:
Boy lives in a caravan on his own in the woods. His dad, John, is in prison and promises to get out soon. All the boy needs to do is survive alone for a little while longer. But dark forces are circling - like the dangerous man in the Range Rover, who is looking for his stolen money. And then there are the ancient forces that have lain asleep in the woods for an age...
A truly original and affecting piece of work. Unsettling but beautiful, sparse but packed with heart, it's a real invasion of the senses —Phil Earle
A beautifully strange illustrated novel... the shadowy illustrations remind us of beasts lurking under the soil, and the fine line between myth and reality. This powerful, unsentimental novel calls to mind the work of Patrick Ness and David Almond, and their capacity to be both topical and timeless —Irish Times
This beautiful, tensely written book is a classic of its kind, squeezing every drop of tension out of the reader until the final, hallucinatory climax ... beautifully written, taut and tense —Melvin Burgess
Just like Harry Potter, this story cuts straight through to the human experiences, and the myths and fantasy only increase its emotional resonance —Mugglenet
Yearning regret punctuated by glimpses of real companionship and pure dread. What a joy to see Jason's pictures matched by such an unsentimental but tender story —Geraldine McCaughrean