Author: Kitty CrowtherIllustrator: Kitty CrowtherAge: 4-9Pages: 32 pg.Size: 19x16cm
A modern fairytale bedtime book set in the magical world of Astrid Lindgren and illustrated by Award-winning artist, Kitty Crowther.
🇬🇧 Description
“Tell me three good night stories, please, please,” says Little Bear.
“Three!?” says her mother.
“Yes—I gave you three good night kisses!”
First, Little Bear hears the story of the nightwatch, who lives in the woods and makes sure all the animals go to bed. Gong! Gong! But who tells the nightwatch when it’s bedtime? The second story is about the brave girl Zora who seeks the forest’s most delicious blackberries. In the third we meet Bo, the little man with the big overcoat, who finds it hard to sleep.
Finally, Little Bear falls asleep, and there in bed beside her are her new storybook friends.
This magical totem of a book bursts with beauty, absurdity, generosity and the surprise of the natural world. ~ The New York Times