Author: Catharina ValckxIllustrator: Nicolas HubeschAge: 6 - 9Pages: 292Size: 22 x 18 cmReading level: ATOS Book Level: 3.3 / Accelerated Reader Points: 0.5
"This surreal yet sincere French import is one of the more interesting books in my life so far." ~ Travis Jonker (School Library Journal)
🇬🇧 Description:
Six linked stories full of friendship, silliness, and the little moments that make life good. Written by and illustrated by Nicolas Hubesch.
When it’s too rainy to go outside, he rustles up an inside picnic with his friends. When he meets a fish swimming in the air, he follows it. Why not! When the canary forgets how to sing and can only speak gibberish, Bruno helps out.
Days come and go, and they always bring something interesting. And once in a while, a day comes along that is just about perfect! These six linked stories by a top children’s writer and renowned comic artist are full of friendship, silliness, and the little moments that make life good.
🇨🇱 Descripción:
Seis historias ligadas, por la renombrada escritora infantil Catharina Valckx y el artista de comics Nicolas Hubesch, llenas de amistad, humor absurdo y pequeños momentos que alegran la vida.
Cuando está lloviendo y no se puede salir, Bruno corre adentro para hacer un picnic con sus amigos. Cuando conoce a un pez que nada por los aires, lo sigue. ¿Porqué no? Cuando el canario olvida cómo cantar y solo hace ruidos incoherentes, Bruno lo ayuda.
Los días vienen y van, y siempre traen algo interesante. Y de vez en cuando, llega un día que es ¡prácticamente perfecto!